New House, Springfield Avenue, Ilkley

The single detached dwelling is set amongst a cluster of existing and proposed buildings between Springs Lane and the railway line in Ilkley, West Yorkshire.

The site is located within a mature residential area typified by an eclectic mix of individually designed dwellings, built predominately with stone front facades and render to sides and rear or all stone. The clients were keen to construct a contemporary house for their young family. The relationship between modern architecture and the local vernacular fascinates us; it has always seemed possible for modern design to complement older forms with the use of the right materials and form.

The design is contemporary in its choice of form and architectural language, although the use of render and slate to the elevations help give the building a more contextual resonance.  The stepping in height and form, with elements of pitched and flat roofing, help to mitigate the impact of the building in views from the existing buildings to the east by allowing them to meld with the developed scale and character of the area and eliminate potential overlooking and over dominance of nearby properties.

The use of a dark coloured, matt finish, to the upper storey and
roof, enclosing the upper floor, is also a non-contextual device. However, these elements combine with the positive elements identified above to work well together to create a pleasingly articulated house of modest scale and volume that sits comfortably in its setting.

Completed 2021