nj-ARCHITECTS were commissioned to design five bespoke houses. Four houses are contained within a terraced block which is a two storey building with a low eaves and accommodation part within the roof space. A single bungalow style single storey house is located to the rear, accessed via a private drive. The project is closely associated with the East Bierley Conservation area which borders the site.
The project provides a mix of housing suitable for different household types and recognises the importance of providing housing that meets the needs of local people at a size and affordability level.
With regards to scale and appearance, the proposal is designed sympathetically to neighbouring buildings so as not to appear overbearing and oppressive.
The design proposed for this site is a contemporary reinterpretation of the Victorian architecture of the village. It represents quality design which references the Victorian buildings of the Conservation Area whilst being confident in its contribution as a new development for 21st Century living.
The proposal introduces a new two storey terrace of houses facing onto Bierley Marsh. To the rear of the site a single storey house of a significantly lower scale is proposed, hidden from public view.
The dwelling is split into the functions of living and seeping – each contained within a defined volume. The pitched roof form nestles behind a stone “garden wall”. The wall acting as a backdrop to the Memorial Garden, with views filtered through the trees and evergreen bushes. New evergreen planting reinforces this boundary.
The use of natural stone walling, timber panelling and slate roofing anchor the dwelling in its site and setting. The dwelling opens up to the south where large areas of glazing draw light deep int0 the spaces.